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Trademark Registration India

Trademark is a business mark comprises of phrases, words, colorful text, artistic design or combination of these elements. With the enlargement of business sector, varied types of trademark have been seen in the market. All this raises the competition and infringement watch over the huge list of trademarks. In severe competitive market these trademarks are one of the unique ways to represent the same manufacturers who deal in the same theme of products. Trademarks are the graphical representative of the company that helps in maintaining the goodwill in the international market. Thus, it is very important to protect your reputation and goodwill in the corporate world through the way of trademark services.

How to Apply For Trademark

Every country has its own distinct way regarding how to apply for trademark. Well, in India there is trademark act 1999 that has established several rules and regulations for trademark services. This act also retains the power of amendation and reinforcement of these trademark rules over the corporate world. In respect of how to apply for trademark, one needs to first search the unique and ethical business mark then need to file an application which then pass for examination and hiring process if there is any opposition. After passing from opposition, one only needs to demand for trademark registration certification. Trademark services include several other services including trademark litigation, trademark watch, trademark infringement, trademark classification, trademark enforcement and many more.

  • First need to search for unique trademark as per the standards of Indian trademark act of 1999.
  • Need to file an application with detail requisites.
  • Need to pass with hiring and submit an evidence in case of opposition
  • If reject again need to submit trademark with clarifications.
  • If approved then finally demand for trademark registration.

Thus, it is essential to get consulted with any of the top trademark service point in order to avail accurate and exact services. Here we as a brand of trademark registration assist you in all types of trademark matters ranging from litigation to search. Our trademark attorneys are well expert with latest command of trademark services that can be proved awesome and worthy for your ongoing healthy business.

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