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FCRA Registration

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), 1976 administers and regulates the foreign contribution received by some institutions or organizations for various programs. FCRA registration in India plays an impeccable role in curbing illegal and black money involves in these associations with the help of this rules and regulations. There are numbers of organizations or associations in India have been arranging some cultural, economical and social events in order to educate and engage the audience. In each and every year, some programs are happened to inform the audience about various social and cultural events and programs for the betterment of society. The primary purpose behind the FCRA registration is to use foreign funds and currencies to make or educate a society. There are two ways of FCRA registration: first with the Central Government and then with FCRA department.

FCRA Registration Rules & Guidelines

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act came into existence in India in 1976 in order to utilize and regulate foreign funds by some organizations or associations. FCRA registration defines the rules and regulations to those organizations which are receiving foreign funds in order to arrange some cultural and socio-economic events. The Central Government is authorizing body which allows the registration of FCRA and after this FCRA department will allow.

The following procedures should be followed while filing for FCRA registration:
  • Form FC8 is to be filled in triplicate
  • Audited reports of the statement of accounts for three years
  • Annual reports of past 5 years
  • The location details of your work

Trademark registration is a process and one should take the help of qualified trademark attorney or trademark lawyer in order to make this process simple and easy for all aspiring trademark owners. Globla Jurix, a well renowned trademark and patent registration firm based out of Delhi has been providing all trademark related works at affordable cost.

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