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PCT Filing

PCT is one of the international authorities deal in the patent services at the global basis. It is one of the effective gateways to protect your patent being used in many countries at same time. It also proves to be an economic way to get patent protection in the multiple countries. All the countries that come under the international patent law treaty can follow the process of pct filing for their corporate sector. There are around 150 countries that comprise of Patent Corporation Treaty. PCT was established in 1970 which is now being operated by the World Intellectual Property Organization in order to protect the new inventions through the concept of pct filing at the global level.

What is Patent Cooperation Treaty

Patent cooperation treaty is among the concern authority that works to protect the unique business ideas to be used in several countries at the same time. PCT plays a vital role for those patents which are being used in the different countries. On other hand, pct does not deal in every country of the globe, only with those countries which are contributing in international patent law treaty. Thus, one needs to go through the complete list of pct countries then only demand for filing application.

Here at trademark-registration-india, we hold of huge pct filing team that makes you with each and every concepts of pct filing. As it is based on an international level, so it carries several rules and complicated tasks that need to be accompanied with services by pct filing experts. Here, we introduce you with an expertise team of pct filing that have complete knowledge about latest and updated acts of pct.

Here, you just need to call at +91-8800-100-281 where our pct attorneys will revert to you with best services in the same.

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