Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Application

The formal and proper action or process of filing a well-drafted application and prosecuting for the same, to acquire registration and legal protection to the selected and proposed trademark, is termed generically as the trademark application. Trademarks are essential and vital intellectual property of businesses in various economic sectors, and therefore, the trademark applications are immensely significant tasks of companies, industries, institutions, and investors engaged in these sectors. These trademark applications could relate to the national or domestic trademark authorities, or the international trademark organizations, or both of these, depending on the business requirements of the applicants. Ours respected law firm extends the whole gamut of rigorous services for trademarks in general in all fields of business and profession, regarding these all categories of trademark applications, to countries all around the entire world, inevitably including India. In the lower part of this article, given are our well-rounded services for trademark application india in details.

Trademark Application Process in India

The trademark application process encompasses the tasks of trademark search, drafting of trademark application, filing the application with national or international jurisdiction, prosecuting for the same for prompt and perfect registration, and perform trademark watch till the trademark is registered. Ours services regarding trademarks cover these all tasks responsibly and punctiliously, in all across the country. Here, it deserves to be noted that our internationally reputed and acclaimed legal organization provides comprehensive services in connection with all categories of intellectual property, including trademarks. Trademarks proposed by individuals, companies, institutions, and industries in all fields of commerce and industry, and in any part of the country, are supported by us regarding the perfect registration of those in India and abroad. For doing international business trademark registrations under the recommended international trademark regulations like TRIPS Agreement, Berne and Paris Convention, European Community Trademark (CTM), and Madrid Protocol, are essential.

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