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Trademark Association

Securing the prominent brand images of companies in diverse economic sectors, and promoting the legitimate rights of the registered trademark owners, are the main and ultimate objectives of any visionary trademark association. These not-for-profit trademark associations can be limited to the domestic or national jurisdictions in individual countries, or international and global in scope and ambit, like the International Trademark Association (INTA). Well-rounded information about this international trademark association (INTA) is given in the latter section of this article. In general, the members of any trademark association, are companies, business owners, intellectual property law firms, and other professionals and entities who want to offer their contribution and services for the noble and generous objectives of the trademark association. Periodicals and newsletters related with trademarks, annual meetings, educating and informative workshops and seminars, and devising policies for protection and promotion of trademarks within the concerned jurisdictions, etc., are the most common services offered by trademark associations.

International Trademark Association

The International Trademark Association (INTA) is the magnificent association that offers decent, innovative, and responsible services regarding security and protection to the trademarks in the worldwide businesses, and nurturing and promotion of the genuine rights of the trademark owners in the world over. Its headquarters are well-established in New York, while its main associate offices are in the cities of Shanghai and Brussels. Originally, it was incepted in the year 1878 as United States Trademark Association (USTA) to safeguard the trademarks and due rights of the trademark owners in United States. Its name was changed to its present name in the year 1993, along with enhancement in its capabilities for worldwide service coverage. At present, the services offered by this international trademark association are in close agreement with most of the internationally recognized trademark and intellectual property regulations such as TRIPS Agreement of the World Trade organization, and several regional trademark associations, in all around the whole world. For service and welfare of all its members and the general public in the world over, INTA provides services in the three main categories of information and publication, education and training, and formulation of policies for securing and promoting rights of the trademark owners.

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