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Trademark Brand Name

Trademark is the ultimate brand name of a business enterprise and an entrepreneur in a market for its goods and services. Every business owner tries to gain maximum popularity for his or her business by creating a successful brand name among his rivals. A trademark brand may be just a symbol or designed logo which attracts prospective clients and people initially but the goodwill and reputation matters a lot for every individual in order to stay in business. A brand name should be registered as per the trademark registration act as it gives the right to the actual owner to use and gain millions of clients towards his or her business purposes. Trademark attorneys are playing a great role in registering a particular trademark brand name after scrutinizing all factors as per the rules and regulations of a country. A brand name is registered for ten years and then it should be further extended before it expires for another ten years by the help of trademark registration professionals.

How To Register A Trademark Brand Name

The registration process of a particular trademark brand name involves certain steps and one should carefully follow in order to make this process easy and simple. Trademark brand name is the face value of a business organization and it creates a lot of impression on the mind of prospective clients and people in general. Trademark application is the first step followed by trademark search which is done by trademark attorneys and trademark lawyers after checking all the possibilities of trademark infringement case into consideration. Global Jurix, a well known trademark and patent registration firm based out of Delhi has been providing trademark brand name registration services to numerous clients in India.

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