Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Filing

The wording 'trademark filing' is a generic synonym to filing an application for registering a trademark/service mark, with the concerned office of trademark registry. Here it may be mentioned that getting a trademark/service mark registered is not mandatory, however, proper registration of a trademark gives certain legitimate and exclusive rights to the owner/holder of the registered trademark/service mark. These rights granted to the owner of the trademark since the time of registration of the same, are related with the ownership over the registered mark, commercial usage of the mark, and legal protection to the mark against cases like trademark infringement.

This carefully drafted web-article offers very useful information about our expert, efficient, and reasonably-charged legal services for trademark filing in India, and the various trademark filing processes involved for registering a trademark/service mark with any of the five zonal offices of trademark registry in entire India.

Trademark Filing Process

The entire trademark filing process or procedure involves the following main tasks, for getting any newly created trademark or service mark registered with any trademark office of India:
  • Creation of the desired trademark/service mark for using in business/profession of the concerned economic field
  • Verifying indubitable originality and uniqueness of the newly created trademark/service mark
  • Completing the Form TM-1, and filing the same with the relevant office of trademark registry
  • Incorporating any suggestions offered by the trademark examiner/registrar, and satisfying them
  • Handling the possible case of trademark opposition to registration of the proposed trademark/service mark

Well-seasoned and updated trademark attorneys of ours Delhi-based IPR law firm are well-versed in helping registrations of trademarks and service marks pertaining to all 45 classes of the Nice classification in India and countries worldwide. At international level, they support registrations under anyone or all of the following ----- TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Berne or Paris Convention, and the European Union Trade Marks (EUTM).

Trademark Filing Fees

Full-fledged, internationally prestigious, and generous IPR law firm of ours offers legal services for trademarks and all other categories of the intellectual property at quite reasonable service charges, in order to help its clients of India and countries worldwide the best possibly. Here, it may also be noted that, ours other services for trademarks, besides the trademark registration in India and abroad, are the following --- trademark prosecutions for diverse objectives, trademark oppositions, trademark watch and monitoring, trademark renewals and restorations, and trademark infringement litigations. In India, these services are extended strictly as per the Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002, and the amendments made thereto till date.

As far as the trademark filing fees are concerned, our trademark lawyers take only Rs. 5000/- for trademark filling with any trademark registry office of India, at present.

Interested people or companies located anywhere in India or the world, may just call over: +91-8800-100-281; or cast a sincere mail to:; for harnessing admirable efficiency and welcome economy of ours IPR services.

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