Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Publication

After comprehensive verification of the forwarded trademark application for registration, the concerned trademark office, publishes the trademark application in its official gazette, for acceptance and approval of the owners of all previously registered trademarks within its jurisdictions. This trademark publication is also meant to invite any trademark opposition cases by owners of the registered trademarks in the same or different fields of business. The permitted period for any possible opposition starts from the date of publication of trademark application in the official journal. The detailed information about this trademark publication period is given in the latter section of this article. Our vastly prominent law firm provides the full-range of supportive legal services regarding trademarks in all economic fields in countries worldwide, especially including India. Our impeccable and vigorous services for trademark registration and protection, and trademark opposition, are significant among these services. Besides these services, ours well-connected law firm essentially provide perfect services for all other objects of the intellectual property, and all other disciplines of the law.

Publication (Period) of trademark

The publication period of the trademark application in the official journal of the trademark office concerned, varies depending upon the domestic or national and the international or regional jurisdictions. In general, this publication period range from one month to three months. Any types of opposition to the published trademark proposed for registration, must be raised within this publication period. Any such opposition delays or prevents the registration of the published trademark with the trademark office. The trademark opposition can be filed on the grounds of borrowed or plagiarized themes, striking and substantial similarity, partial or objectionable extent of duplicity, and so on. Ours one of the globally reputed and leading intellectual property law firms offers prompt and full support for filing trademark opposition to the trademarks proposed for registration under any domestic jurisdiction, or international jurisdictions like the TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark.

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